Peter J Billings

New South Wales
Federal Court of Australia
High Court of Australia
Australian Capital Territory
Northern Territory
South Australia
Western Australia
Areas of Practice
All jurisdictions in the Commonwealth of Australia
All areas of serious indictable crime (including homicide) where triable in the County Court (or District Court) and Supreme Court
All areas of indictable and summary offences triable in the Magistrates’ Court
Juvenile / Children's Court
Coroners’ Court
Traffic Law (including drink driving, drug driving, speeding and general traffic offences)
Animal Prosecutions (including RSPCA)
Local Government Prosecutions
Health & Safety
Proceeds of Crime
Victims of Crime Compensation
Administrative Law
Military Law
Mining Law
Inquests, Inquiries, Tribunals & Commissions
International Law
" My primary ideology involves a deep respect for the individual and client, a dedication to affordable trust and reliability.
My core values are embodied in the way of doing business and serving the client defined by ethos, integrity, confidentiality, trust and credibility. Putting my clients first is a simple philosophy, but it is one that flows throughout every part of my practice and that underpins everything I do."

Peter J. Billings

AWASM (Mining Eng), LLB (Melb), LLM (Mon), LLM (ANU), GDipMilLaw (Melb), GDipIntLaw (Melb), GDip Asian Studies (Beijing), RANSAQ (Aust Defence College), Indictable Crime Certificate
Graduated W.A. School of Mines, Mining Engineering. Worked underground and open pit operations (including quarrying). Involved (inter alia) in operations, mine management, planning, geology, geological engineering, blasting, drilling, ventilation, rock mechanics, exploration, mining law, environmental impact, feasibility and consultancy. Graduated University of Melbourne Law School. Master of Laws (Criminal Law) Monash University. Master of Laws (Public and International Law) ANU. Graduate Diploma in Military Law, University of Melbourne. Graduate Diploma in International Law, University of Melbourne. RANSAC ADF Staff & Command College. Maritime Law, University of Queensland. Chinese Language, Nanjing University and Beijing University. Practice predominantly Criminal Law, with a sub-specialisation in Motor Traffic Law. Practice encompasses all jurisdictions including criminal trials for both the Crown and Defence. Appears regularly in the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of Victoria and the Court of Criminal Appeal; also appears in the High Court on special leave applications. Thoroughly familiar with Administrative Law, including Judicial Review under Order 56 of the Supreme Court Rules or the equivalent in other jurisdictions. Cases reported in the Victorian Law Reports, Motor Vehicle Reports, The Administrative Reports and the Australian Criminal Reports. Admitted in all jurisdictions in Australia and appears regularly in cases interstate, particularly New South Wales and Tasmania. Victorian Bar, Law Reform Committee, Panel Member Specialist in Traffic Law. Member of Military Law Bar. Special Forces Officer Australian Army; qualified (inter alia) parachutist (static and free fall), diver, demolitions expert, radio operator, machine gunner, weaponry instructor, small craft, medic, roping, climbing, unarmed combat, Platoon Commander, Intelligence Officer, Public Relations Officer and Staff Officer. Transferred to Legal Corp Army 1992. Transferred to Royal Australian Navy Legal Panel in 2002. Duties: Discipline Law, Administrative Law, Boards of Inquiry, Command Advice and Operations Law. Legal Interests: International Criminal Law, International Maritime Law and Military Law. Community Interests: Honorary Counsel Australian Bravery Foundation, Member of Discipline Appeals Tribunal Vic Football Federation; DAT Member Southern Metropolitan Region VFL. International Budo Federation - Judo Diploma 3rd Dan Black Belt.


Contact Details:
TEL: +61 3 9225 7888
MOB: 0409 599 006
FAX: 9225 8215
Room 0825,
Owen Dixon Chambers East,
205 William Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
For any general inquiries, please fill in the following contact form: